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Autumn has arrived, top tips to help nurture and rest in our true nature!

Let the beauty we love be what we do” ……… Rumi, 13th century poet and mystic

We are officially in Autumn, we’ve passed the equinox and you can feel a little chill in the air. Trees and plants are ending this year’s cycle of growth but they still respond with a glorious burst of colour.

Recently the moon has also been showing off her beauty with a spectacular harvest moon and a lunar eclipse. Those of you who have got in to the habit of keeping a seasonal journal or lunar diary will now be well aware of a pattern forming, helping you to choose the right activities and life style to get the best out of the season and day.

In my Summer blog (which is still on my website) I explained the ancient practise of Ayurveda and the link to nature and ourselves. Within this ancient science it teaches us that we all have an individual constitution and within this are the three doshas, Pitta, Vata and Kapha. Autumn see’s the decline of Pitta dosha and the rise of Vata dosha. The qualities of Vata in the Autumn is dry, cool, windy. light and irregular, it’s time to get balanced and grounded. These qualities in nature can for some of us( especially if you have strong Vata tendencies ) aggravate the nervous system, resulting sometimes in a dry itchy skin. Many of us today are living such busy lives that we have locked our nervous system’s in to “fight and flight” mode, this is wearing on all levels and unfortunately will badly effect long term health. If you are feeling over whelmed emotionally, or loss of memory and balance then you need to learn to take control of your nerves with conscious breathing. I know that we don’t normally have to think about breathing, but, when you are constantly over stimulated we tend to shorten the breath and that releases the stress hormone cortisol.

Being conscious of your breath is what creates the mind body connection, thankfully today science supports this and breath work training not only helps your general health but also some psychological problems anxiety, panic attacks, epilepsy and loss of memory etc.

Shallow breathing can become a habit, so don’t be surprised if you find deep breathing quite challenging, be patient and practise daily and you will be rewarded. Better concentration, spacial awareness, balance and generally a greater feeling of well being.

A Breathing Exercise

Switch off all screens and distractions, be comfortable, either lying down or sitting in a supportive chair.

Place your right hand over your navel and your left hand over your heart, try and breathe through the nose only, feel your lungs moving under your hands as you breathe naturally. Just stay with this focus for a couple of minutes, feeling the natural expansion and contraction of your lungs.

Hopefully you can feel your hands moving while breathing, when you inhale feel the lower hand moving out first, then the upper hand second, when you exhale feel the lower hand contracting first, followed by the upper hand. In other words, you are breathing in to the base of the lungs first when inhaling and exhaling, this is called the diaphragmatic breath. This is a very good habit to initiate and will help you to connect to the full capacity of your lung’s.

Eventually you want to count the inhalation to 4, pause for 4, exhale for 4 and pause for 4. The pause between each breath is very important, this slows down the nervous system! In time, you want to extend the exhalation to the count of 8 because our inhalation is only as good as the last exhalation.


The practise of Yoga differs from any other exercise because of the application and attention to movement of the body with rhythmic slow deep breathing. At the beginning, this is quite a challenge because what naturally happens when we are concentrating on the physical, we tend to hold the breath. With practise this becomes more natural and in time this will develop an intelligent relationship with your body, helping you to understand and let go of old habitual patterns of movement and thoughts that are not helping you.


The centre of the brain the “hypothalamus” is stimulated with all exercise, even though the days are shortening and there is lack of sunlight, try and go outside so the “happy hormones” are released to make you feel good.

Once you have learnt how to control the autonomic nervous system with breath work, you will notice the reduction in anxiety and stress, the brain becomes alert and receptive rather than dull. Tai Chi and Yoga are perfect for keeping this state of mind, constantly moving the body through slow considered movement with breath. Balancing on one foot using the left side of the body and then the right, this stimulates the nerve cells in the brain, increasing and strengthening the nerve connections. Balancing on the left foot stimulates the right side of the brain, standing on the right foot stimulates the left. This is particularly important and beneficial when we get older, plus strengthening our feet and ankles, to feel grounded and balanced.

Practise lifting your heels……. look ahead, focus your eyes on one thing that’s not moving. Remember your slow deep breathing, then lower the heels. Repeat, holding longer, pushing down with the ball of the foot and the big toe, to stabilise and strengthen the ankle.

Eventually …… you will be able to practise standing on one foot while cleaning your teeth and the other foot. Practising a few simple balances can bring rapid improvement to all kinds of physical pursuits, enhanced co-ordination and concentration.

Allow the brain to relax!

Only in a hut built for the moment can one live without fear” ……….Kamo No Chomei, 12th Century poet

The primitive region of the brain the limbic system is associated with impulse and emotion, unchecked this negative power is potent. We grab what we think we need to survive, but self pity and anger can fester and then we can make the wrong decision’s.

In Yoga we call this part of the brain the monkey mind, without control we end up confused and fearful, we become our thoughts. To be able to control the lower mind implies a certain objectivity towards it, mediation is the discipline that helps to teach this detachment (in a loving way) and put’s our wisest self back in charge.

Meditation……….returning home

  • Create a little oasis in your home, it can be your bedroom, a corner of a room or a special place for meditation.
  • It’s best to sit, so choose a comfortable upright chair, or you can sit cross legged or straddle a bolster on the floor.
  • The preparation is important, maybe light a candle, wrap a blanket around your shoulders, this becomes a special daily ritual. This is about being comfortable and totally quiet, switch off all distractions and dim the lights.
  • When I started meditating, it was either just before getting out of bed in the morning or at the end of the day. The reason for this is, when we are new to the practise we seem to feel guilty taking 10 minutes out of the day doing nothing! In the end that feeling goes, as we start to reap the benefits.
  • If you are new to the practise, set a timer, so you’re not sitting there thinking when is this going to finish.
  • Usually we close the eyes, but some people don’t, they like a soft gaze at the floor ahead, we are not here to sleep.
  • When you start, expect nothing, you will probably come face to face with the monkey mind, usually that shows with negative thoughts, past memories, fear, anger, don’t force the mind to be quiet just observe and notice the gaps between the thoughts. Don’t grasp at any sensation, pleasant or painful, just observe this is the beginning of detachment.
  • Every time you come into meditation observe and you will eventually see that the gaps between each thought gets longer, these gaps are your true self, the emotions and fear’s of the monkey mind start to quieten down, allowing you to dive deeper into the gaps these spaces are a breath of fresh air revealing a warm loving part of your true self. Welcome home!

Usually when we are doing nothing we pick up our phones, sadly this is training the mind to want more stimulation, this continual habit inflames the brain. Try and limit the time you spend on a screen and start to introduce mediation, keep a diary. Enjoy connecting to the real you and all the benefits.


Lovely new natural products!

  • Best incense and handcrafted candles, using herbs and essential oils, charcoal based rather than wood (less smoke) serene scents :
  • These beautiful skin and hair products are the only UK beauty brand to receive the Cosmos Organic Certification award. The Insight products are handcrafted in Cornwall UK, alchemy, science and nature come together in these beautiful formulas that work with your skin and hair in harmony :
  • There are so many books written on mindfulness but this stands out! It’s full of warmth, wit, honesty, taking you by the hand towards making huge changes in your life : Spiritual rebellion, mindfulness with attitude. Author Ondy Wilson, by Well Seeing Books
  • If you are a sufferer of epilepsy or you know somebody who is struggling with this, you may like to contact this lovely Yoga teacher. A new study in the medical journal “neurology” found that the continual practise of breath and balance in Yoga helps reduce the frequency of seizures. There is a beautiful article she has written about her own experience on her website:
  • I find a lot deodorants are very harsh on the under arm skin, but recently I have found a new 100% natural product made from essential oils and botanical extracts, smells beautifully of lavender essential oil. Also its an atomiser that is refillable :
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Embrace Summer energy, my best top tips!

HERE COMES THE SUN, my favourite Beatles track written by George Harrison, its so uplifting and will never fail to put a smile on my face!

After the frenetic activity of Spring, finally the sun has arrived on our shores and our mood and energy is uplifted. Sun energy (fiery, fertile, passionate and masculine) in Yoga this connects us to the third Chakra which is located around the navel and associated to the digestive system and the element fire. Not only do we want to feel and see the sun, we want to eat the best produce that’s been grown by natural light and chemically free soil, encouraging biodiversity, the highest level of animal welfare and healthy food. Look for the green logo (regenerative farm) and also the soil association label on your food packaging.

Just as the sun provides the earth with power so the solar plexus (nerves around the navel) provides the body with power, digestion is a main function of the solar plexus and the digestive organs. Psychologically the stomach is our emotional brain, the traumatic experiences that we encounter through life need to be processed, digested and eliminated like our food, so we can reach our full potential, otherwise these past emotions stagnate in the soft tissue of the body where they can cause illness.

If you struggle in the heat of the Summer or you’re finding the fire in the belly little too hot, then there is nothing nicer than finding some shade under a tree, lying back on a deck chair or mowed grass and looking up at the canopy of leaves. Loose yourself in the shapes, colours and sounds of nature, time to contemplate the seeds that you planted in your heart or your lunar diary. You are probably now beginning to feel the link between your mood swings, energy and nature and how the moon cycle plays a huge part in how you feel.





My Optomertrist offered me this treatment last year its called “light therapy or IPL”. This is a non-invasive painless treatment that involves the application of both visible and infrared light to the area of the skin around the eye. I had 4 treatments and the result was very good. Previously my tear ducts and lower lids had been clogged, now they are functioning properly, so my eyes are now lubricated and comfortable.

They also recommended: they have a wonderful selection of eye makeup for really sensitive eyes.

SELF TAN DROPS************

If you are keeping out of the sun but would still like to have a tanned body, then I can really recommend this next product. Self tan drops are very easy to use because you add them to your normal body lotion. A large tablespoon of body cream in the palm of your hand add 8 drops of self tan, mix in the cream and apply to your body. I found that gave a nice mid colour but it’s best to experiment and make sure you wash your hands afterwards. Self Tan Drops:


In the past I was a Beauty Therapist, so I am really fussy when it comes to beauty treatments, at last a new high street name “townhouse” is delivering very good manicures and pedicures. The staff are very well trained, the salons are immaculate, they offer a lovely variety of treatments for your hands and feet and some really new products. Their salons are spreading rapidly all over London to further a field up to Manchester.


Heliocare 360 foundation and sunblock is fantastic, it’s a tinted gel that dry’s mat, they have different tints to choose from, all their products are clinically proven and recommended by dermatologists. I use it all year round and the bottle lasts a long time.





What is this life full of care, if we have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the boughs and stare as long as sheep and cows” William Henry Davies

Spring Forward

Watching the magic unfold around us brings a smile! This new surge of energy and light is welcomed, this push from nature adds a little skip to our step but some of us may not quite be ready.

Several months have gone by since I recommended keeping a diary with the lunar calendar. Observing and reflecting on your different cycles of energy and mood’s, relating to the cycle of the moon and the changing Seasons. Hopefully with this regular introspection you are beginning to see various patterns forming that help you become more aware of how you operate, giving you the chance to make changes for the better.

I have kept a diary for years, this special time to reflect on myself, to be able to ponder and read my past notes, has been life changing. Particularly for me in the past I struggled in the Winter months, the lack of light, wanting to hibernate, eating the wrong foods, not making an effort to exercise, I new I had to shift my focus! With this valuable mindfulness and new information, I could see that some of my old habits and quick fixes needed changing, also slowing down and really seeing and tuning into natures messages helped. I noticed how this new mind set slowly filtered in to everything, it wasn’t just when I was practising Yoga but also off the mat. I felt more grounded and my mind was much more receptive and positive, I found my inner sun. That doesn’t mean that I am happy all the time, but I now know what works for me as an individual.

My next topic “Ayurveda” is very much focussed on the individual……….


The building blocks of nature are fundamental in the science of Ayurveda, these exist within each of us, we are one with our surroundings, the building blocks of us and nature are; earth, water, fire, air and space.

This ancient practise developed in India over 4,000 years ago has now spread all over the world, the aims and objectives are to maintain health and heal disease, with regular maintenance focussing on nutrition, medicinal herbs, massage, breathing exercises, Yoga, meditation and relaxation. Ayurveda teaches us that we all have an individual constitution, our inherited code from ancient times, our own unique make up, physically, mentally and emotionally that is constant.

Ayurveda calls this “prakruti” and with in this special individual constitution are the three “doshas”.

VATA is linked to the element of air, this influences the energy of movement. Pitta is linked to the fire element, this governs the energy of our metabolism and digestion. Kapha is linked to the element water, this energy is linked to structure and lubrication. These “doshas” are present in every cell, tissue and organ of the body, when the homeostasis is balanced with a healthy life style the “doshas” are balanced, when not disease can set in.

Everybody has all three “doshas”, but one is usually primary, secondary and the third least dominant. Our “doshic” balance is sensitive to the changing Seasons, environment, food we eat, exercise and rest, thoughts, feelings and emotions.

The Yoga – Ayurveda connection

If everyone practised the same style of Yoga, it would be like everyone taking the same medicine. Thankfully , there is enough variety of Yoga today and understanding your tridoshic mind-body type can really help you find the right practise.

VATA types are connected to air and space, they are like the wind, fast and cool with unpredictable movement and thoughts. They need a Yoga practise that’s calming, supporting and grounding.

PITTA types are aligned with fire, they act with intense determination, warm to touch. They need a practise that is cooling, relaxing and moderating.

KAPHA types are a combination of earth and water, they move slowly and gracefully, they are stable and loyal. Their practise should be stimulating, energising and encouraging motivation.

Ayurveda is about wise living, being fully present, making good choices, taking responsibility, these simple actions will heal.




Make a date with yourself, time to Spring clean the skin!

The skin after the Winter months and central heating needs some attention, it tends to be dry and lack’s lustre. You do not need to spend a fortune on products, a very good exfoliant to polish the skin can be ground sea salt in olive oil rubbed over the skin in the shower or using a body brush. I have a mature skin so it doesn’t like dry brushing, so I use my brush in the shower stroking the skin upwards towards the heart helping the blood flow. Immediately you can see the increase of circulation and feel the stimulated tingling skin, it is now ready for a moisturiser.

While the skin is still warm from your shower it is best to moisturise the body using oil, the skin can absorb oil far more quickly than cream, which tends to sit on the surface of the skin. The most popular and light quality vegetable oil is “sweet almond” and it’s not too expensive. If you want to add a scent to the oil then keep it natural, I recommend the essential oil of either Rose, Jasmin or lavender, 20 drops from one of these in to 100ml of your base oil “sweet almond” should be enough for a whole body. These plant’s are soothing, calming and nurturing to dry skin and smell delicious.


If you would prefer to buy your body oil already mixed then I would recommend Dr Hauschka body oils. They are pure reasonably priced and you have a choice of five different body oils : birch/arnica, blackthorn, lemongrass, lavender and rose.

Feet and Nails certainly need attention after being enclosed for so long in boots and trainers, also if you cover your nails constantly with “GELS” or Gel Polish give them a break! At the end of the day soak your feet in a bowl of warm water and add 5 drops of essential Lavender oil to the water, this is anti-bacterial and will sooth swollen tired feet. Then take a foot file or pumice and start to rub off the dead skin from your heals and soles, dry the foot, but while the skin is still warm cover the whole foot in “fullers earth “cream. I’ve used this for years, the ingredients are natural and when used on a regular basis, it calms inflamed dry skin and it’s an excellent antiseptic for fungal infections. After you’ve covered the feet in the cream, wrap each foot in cling film and put on socks, you can also do the same for your hands and put on mittens and go to bed.

In the morning your feet and hands will feel and look so much better! Again depending on the quality of your skin and nails you may have to do this regime more often.

Caution………avoid putting undiluted essential oils on the skin and if pregnant or in doubt about some medical condition then seek medical advice before use.


I’m not a believer in dieting, but I do think after the Winter months we all need to brush up on good nutrition and look at our portion size on the plate.

To help with this try some mindful eating:

  • Slow down, be seated and enjoy looking at your food on the plate
  • Smell the aroma, look at the colours
  • As you place the food in your mouth, chew slowly, feel the texture in your mouth
  • Can you chew each mouthful 20 times or more before swallowing
  • After 20 minutes the brain will decide the stomach is full, even though you still have food on the plate
  • By slowing down, being mindful and present will help your digestion and waist line

If you are interested in trying an online Yoga lesson with a link to Ayurveda and using this new Spring energy, contact me:

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Seasonal Wellbeing

Our relationship with the natural environment and ourselves is an important one, especially now! We know that the changing seasons can effect us, but with a little help we can start to understand why.

From my experience working in the health industry for many years, the more we can stay connected to ourselves and the magical rhythm of nature, the better the outcome for our health and the planet. First of all, we have to start with observing our feelings, thoughts, and lifestyle throughout the seasonal cycles. We know we are all individuals and we all have different constitutions, so what suits one person may not suit another.

Here are some top tips to help you to connect, and banish the “Winter Blues” 

KEEP A DIARY make sure it includes the lunar calendar.

Jot down your feelings, thoughts and energy levels, also whatever you have eaten and drunk and your sleep patterns. Try and get in to the habit of making a daily log.With this information you can then start to see if there is a pattern forming within the moon phases. New moon is waning and decreasing in size and energy and Full moon is the opposite and increasing in size and energy.

Depending on the pattern forming, you can then workout and adjust what lifestyle depletes you and what is nourishing.
Whether you’re an athlete or a complete beginner to exercise, if you are not aware of your own special constitution and needs, there is always a chance that you are doing more harm than good. Every time I get on my Yoga mat, I know that some days my practise will be a struggle, even though I’ve practised daily for many years, but I smile and I listen to my body and adjust, rather than pushing on with the same old routine. With this flexible mind set, we can achieve the best outcome and the deeper and richer our lives become.

YOGA works beautifully alongside the lunar calendar

Yoga for NEW MOON:

The waning moon brings darker nights, so this is considered an optimum time for inner reflection, a slower more restorative practise. Focussing on grounding, balancing postures (asana), the moon salutation links us to the water element housed in the 2nd chakra (swadhistana), calming diaphragmatic breathing, walking and seated mediations, deep relaxation with Yoga Nidra and finally using repetitive sound (mantra) to nourish the soul.

Yoga for FULL MOON:

The waxing moon is a wonderful illuminating energy, uplifting, time to let go. This bright moonlight helps us to see what is important, a new path ahead, although for some, this intense energy can make us feel exhausted.
If you feel uplifted then a flowing vinyasa practise focussing on the inner core and kidneys, connecting you to the fire element housed in the 3rd chakra (Manipura) to stoke the light within. 
If you feel drained, then a more restorative practise to gain balance and uplift.

Look at my YOGA LIBARY for suggestions for your practise.